
The Heartwarming Friendship Between Gus the Bulldog and Lucky the Chicken Is Pure Magic


The Heartwarming Friendship Between Gus the Bulldog and Lucky the Chicken Is Pure Magic

Gus and Lucky spend their time together as all best friends should: napping and eating.
By Hilary Braaksma February 18, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

Gus and Lucky are an incredibly special duo with an adorable friendship that's warming the hearts of nearly everyone they meet. Gus is an English bulldog and Lucky is a special needs chicken, and they came into each other's lives after both being adopted by pet mom Chandler Coate

"I introduced them without a whole lot of planning or forethought," Coate tells DailyPaws.

Although Lucky was on high alert at first, after she realized that Gus wouldn' chase her or hurt her, she soon became enamored with her bulldog brother.

"Chickens naturally want to be in a flock," says Coate. "She just started to gravitate to wherever he was going."

The two's unlikely friendship quickly blossomed, and now Gus and Lucky live their daily lives as best friends. Gus and Lucky's favorite things to do together are eat and sleep, and Lucky in particular is likely to be found following Gus around everywhere he goes. Lucky also loves to mimic Gus's behavior—from following him to beg for food to clucking whenever he starts barking.

"She's learning to be a dog I think," says Coate.

After sharing photos of this unique pet friendship on her personal Facebook page, a few of Coate's followers suggested she start a page dedicated to them alone. Coate took their advice, and now Gus and Lucky have their own Facebook page with over 1K followers.

"Gus and Lucky are better together because… they enrich each other's lives, they have brought so much joy and happiness to my family and my family's life, and then that has spread to bringing joy and laughter and happiness to everyone who follows them on social media," says Coate.

"Them together is special and unique and the happiness they bring to everybody is something I could have never expected, and something I'm so grateful for."

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