
Can Dogs Eat Celery? Here’s How Your Pup Can Enjoy This Crunchy Veggie With You


Can Dogs Eat Celery? Here’s How Your Pup Can Enjoy This Crunchy Veggie With You

Most dogs probably won’t eat this bland vegetable (sorry celery enthusiasts). But here’s what you need to know if your dog does dig the stalks. brendan-howard-headshot
brendan-howard-headshot By Brendan Howard August 11, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

We get it. Your dog's a little overweight maybe, and you think: Hey, could I substitute some celery for one of those tasty but higher-calorie dog treats? After all, veterinarians say you should aim for no more than 10 percent of your dogs' daily calories from snacks.

Perfect! The USDA estimates a large stalk of celery is like 9 or 10 calories.

You're on the right track, according to Ernie Ward, DVM, founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention and author of The Clean Pet Food Revolution.

"I love zucchini, carrots, cucumbers and celery stalks for dog treats," Ward says. "Dogs tend to prefer textures that crunch and crackle, and they like to chew and suckle on them."

dog is eyeing stalks of celery held by a woman standing in front of her refrigerator
dog is eyeing stalks of celery held by a woman standing in front of her refrigerator Credit: AleksandarNakic / Getty

Is Celery Good for a Dog’s Diet?

Ward's right, says Renee Schmid, DVM, DABVT, DABT, a veterinarian toxicologist who works with Pet Poison Helpline. Search the website's database for toxic plants and other dangers in our homes, in our yards, and in the environment and you get zero results related to celery.

But is there anything particularly good about celery?

Celery has water and fiber, which can be good for a dog's digestion. However, different dogs react to fiber differently: Sometimes a lot of fiber helps digestion, and other times fiber can cause digestive issues.

"Celery is a perfect snack for dogs," Schmid. "However, it's not a very popular one. Few dogs will readily eat celery.

"Now, add peanut butter," she says, "and that's a different story."

Watch out with that, though, as most dogs love peanut butter, but it's high in fat and calories. And never share "ants on a log" (celery with peanut butter and raisins) with your favorite canine, as grapes and raisins are toxic for dogs.

RELATED: 10 Toxic Human Foods Dogs & Cats Should Never Eat

How To Safely Feed Your Dog Celery

Want to see if your dog digs celery? Watch the portion size and be sure to thoroughly wash before feeding. Consider removing the leaves as those are the part of the celery most likely to have pesticides.

If you're worried your dog could choke on the celery, Schmid says it's not likely.

"Most dogs would likely need to chomp on a long piece to figure out how to get it all in their mouth," Schmid says, and get enough to choke on.

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Schmid has never seen a celery choking incident at Pet Poison Helpline, but she figures just to be extra safe, you could cut celery into half-inch or shorter pieces just to keep throat irritation to a minimum if your dog likes to swallow things whole.

What Other Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

Out of the whole wide world of fresh vegetables, there's a chance your favorite canine won't go for celery. But there are other human foods you can safely share with your dog. And here are some vegetable options that might make the cut if your dog turns her nose up at celery:

  • Broccoli
  • Corn
  • Cucumbers
  • Green beans
  • Mushrooms (only the ones from your fridge, not the ones from your yard)
  • Potatoes
  • Squash
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Asparagus
  • Carrots

If these don't work, keep experimenting with healthy choices, Ward says.

"I want people to give treats," he says. "It's a highly emotionally rewarding experience for you and your dog."

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