
Can Dogs Eat Mango?


Can Dogs Eat Mango?

Mangos can be a healthy, fun alternative treat for your dog, but it requires a little preparation on your part.
By Chad Taylor January 13, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

Mango is a delicious, sweet fruit that is a favorite of humans around the globe. And, as with all things that are delicious and bring us joy, this of course means that among the most pressing questions most of us pet parents have is, "Can my dog eat some, too?"

dog in front of background of mangos; can dogs eat mangos?
dog in front of background of mangos; can dogs eat mangos? Credit: Studio Photo DFlorez / Getty / Aneta Jungerova / Shutterstock

Can Dogs Have Mango?

Yes, your dog can eat mango. But we'll admit, there are some caveats.

Ideally, you're feeding your pet a high-quality pet food that is meeting all of their nutritional needs right out of the gate. However, mangos are high in fiber and come packed with vitamins like A, C, E, and B6, which makes them a nutritious snack alternative to traditional dog biscuits.

"Anything that has a higher fiber content is going to be a good snack choice because it's going to make your dog feel more full, which can help keep weight down," says Kaci Angelone, DVM, MS, from Denver, Colo.

Additionally, since mangos are on the sweeter end of the fruit spectrum, animals tend to love their taste, making them an easy treat now and then.

Can My Dog Eat the Whole Mango?

You'll want to do a little prep work, rather than just tossing Fido a whole fruit and calling it a day.

The biggest health concern that can come from mangos is actually user error. Because ripe mangoes tend to be relatively soft, people will misjudge how large of a piece their pets can handle, which could potentially lead to choking. Just make sure to cut up your mango enough, and your doggo might enjoy this sweet treat, too.

Another concern here is the pit, for what is probably an obvious reason.

"You'll want to remove the pit because that's going to be the biggest choking hazard," Angelone explains.

Technically speaking, mango pits are edible. But they are so tough that dogs may try and swallow overly large pieces without chewing properly, and that can lead to blockages. If your dog ingests a piece of mango pit, there's a solid chance it'll make its way out the other end with no troubles. But you'll want to keep an eye on your dog for a few days and make note of any changes in appetite or potty habits, and take them to the vet right away if anything seems out of the ordinary.

In addition to the pit, mango skin can be another potential choking hazard, especially if the mango in question is underripe, as the skin can be somewhat tough and slippery enough to slide down a dog's throat before they've chewed properly.

Any time you introduce a new food to your pet, consult your veterinarian first. Your dog's vet can recommend how much mango your dog can have and how often you can feed it to him.

Which Other Fruits Are Good for Dogs?

Grapes and their wrinkled offspring the raisin are both big no-nos for your pet. But there are some fruits that are actually good for dogs in moderation when prepared safely. A few safe, tasty options for dogs include:

  • Watermelon
  • Bananas
  • Oranges (flesh only)
  • Cranberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple (flesh only)
  • Apples (excluding the core and seeds)

"You'll want to remove any pits or seeds from fruits like apples and peaches," Angelone says. "And when you feed your dog fruits in large amounts, sugars can be an issue. But there are some dog foods that contain blueberries and apples, so really the size of the bite is more of a concern than anything else."

Like with any snack or treat, fruits or vegetables that are safe for dogs should only be given in moderation and with supervision. Before changing any part of your dog's diet, it's always a good idea to check in with your pup's vet to make sure you're providing him with well-balanced nutrition.

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