
What Is Furry Sex?


In this Article

  • How to Explore Furry Sex

Furries are people who have an interest in anthropomorphic animals, or animals with human qualities. Many furries create their own animal character, known as a fursona, which functions as their avatar within furry communities.

While fursonas are each based on an animal — a dog, cat, reptile, bird, wild animal, or even mythical creature — they walk upright like humans do and often have a cartoon-like appearance. 

Furries represent their fursonas through art, writing, online identities, or in the creation of “fursuits,” which are elaborate costumes depicting the individual’s animal. Some fursuits are full costumes, while others are partial, including animal ears, tails, or gloves.

The furry fandom thrives in the online space, but many individuals also meet locally or nationally to engage with like-minded fans. Each year, furry enthusiasts meet at conferences across the country. 

The community itself is known for its diversity and acceptance. One-third of the furry community identifies as exclusively heterosexual, and furries are five times as likely to identify as  LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, tanssexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual) than the general population. 

How to Explore Furry Sex

If you’re interested in the furry community, you can explore these feelings in a number of ways. 

For example, you can attend furry conventions, also known as “fur cons.” These public events allow hundreds or even thousands of furry fans to attend panels, events, merchandise booths, live music, dance contests, games, and more. Smaller furry community gatherings, called “furry meets,” allow local furry enthusiasts to meet and socialize. 

In the online space, you can participate in internet forums and chat programs. Whether creating your own fursona, sharing and reading furry content, or chatting with other furries online, the Internet offers new ways to engage with the community. 

Roleplaying in particular is a way to explore furry sex online. Furries often roleplay as their fursonas in the virtual world with other furries. This can be a creative outlet for furries to socialize in a low-stakes environment. For others, it can be a space for sexual exploration. 

Show Sources


FurScience: “Orientation.”

FurrySociology: “The Furry Sociological Survey.”

International Anthropomorphic Research Project: “Furry Fiesta 2014 and Longitudinal Study Wave 2.”

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