
How to Determine Your Kitten’s Age Week-by-Week


How to Determine Your Kitten’s Age Week-by-Week

Determining a kitten’s age isn’t hard, but it can require you to do a little detective work. Here’s how to figure out a kitten’s age from newborn to one year old.
By Doug Jimerson October 27, 2020 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print mama cat with newborn kitten
mama cat with newborn kitten Credit: 1001slide / Getty

Knowing how old your kitten is can be important if you want to be sure you are providing your pet with age-appropriate care and nutrients. According to Carlene Strandell, Director and Founder of Smitten with Kittens, a non-profit, foster-based kitten rescue that operates in Tallahassee, Fla., you can tell the age of a kitten by looking at his eyes, ears, teeth, weight, and how he moves. “Some kittens will be older than their size and weight might suggest,” she says, so check other characteristics as well to determine age.

newborn kitten with his mama
newborn kitten with his mama Credit: okan akdeniz / Getty

Newborn Kitten

Ears: Folded against head

Eyes: Closed 

Teeth: Toothless; While nothing beats milk from mama cat, if she isn’t in the picture, he may need you to step in to bottle feed him with formula (learn more about that here).

Movement: Slight wiggling

Weight: 3 to 7 ounces

three to ten-day-old kitten with his mama
three to ten-day-old kitten with his mama Credit: 2002lubava1981 / Getty

Age 3 to 10 Days

Ears: Will begin to unfold

Eyes: Start to open from 7 to 10 days; eyesight is unfocused

Movement: Start to crawl at about 7 days

Weight: 5 to 10 ounces

ten to fourteen-day-old kitten snuggling with his litter
ten to fourteen-day-old kitten snuggling with his litter Credit: OlyaSolodenko / Getty

Age 10 to 14 Days

Ears: Erect

Eyes: Will be open, although they won’t be able to dilate. All kittens will have blue eyes at this age. 

Movement: Kittens will snuggle together

Weight: 8 to 14 ounces

three-week-old kitten walking
three-week-old kitten walking Credit: Placebo365 / Getty

Three Weeks Old

Ears: A kitten’s ear canals will be completely open and the animal may startle with loud noises.

Teeth: Incisors begin to show

Movement: They walk with purpose

Weight: 10 ounces to 1.1 pounds

RELATED: Signs Your Kitten Is Teething and What to Do

four to six-week-old kitten licking his paw
four to six-week-old kitten licking his paw Credit: delphinE LE BERRE / Getty

Four to Six Weeks Old

Teeth: Canine teeth and premolars start to show

Movement: Kittens begin to play with each other. Self-grooming also begins at this age. Weaning starts at this age as kittens begin to eat solid food.

Weight: 12 ounces to 2 pounds

six-week-old kitten eating out of blue bowl
six-week-old kitten eating out of blue bowl Credit: Benjamin Torode / Getty

Six Weeks Old

Eyes: Change from blue to their permanent adult color

Teeth: All baby teeth are now in place and your pet will be eating solid food almost completely.

Weight: 1 to 2 pounds

eight-week-old kitten sitting on hands
eight-week-old kitten sitting on hands Credit: Mckinsey Jordan / EyeEm / Getty

Eight Weeks Old

By this age, your kitten should look like a miniature version of an adult cat.

Weight: 1.4 pounds to 2 pounds

nine-week to six-month old kitten looking around the corner
nine-week to six-month old kitten looking around the corner Credit: Felix Roser / EyeEm / Getty

Nine Weeks to Six Months

Teeth: Once your kitten is between three and four months old, adult teeth will start to push out the baby teeth. By the time he’s six to seven months old, all of his adult teeth should be in place. 

Weight: Until he’s five months old, most kittens gain one pound every month. Therefore, a four-pound kitten is probably four months old. Until they are 12 months old, kittens eat solid food designed for their growing needs.

one-year-old cat laying on the floor
one-year-old cat laying on the floor Credit: Helena Schaeder Söderberg / Getty

One Year Old

At this age, your kitten is considered an adult cat because he will be fully grown and have a full set of adult teeth. Your cat may gain some additional weight as he grows older, but at this time he should be fed adult cat food.

RELATED: Just How Often Should I Be Feeding My Cat?

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