
What to Know About Doberman Pinschers


In this Article

  • General Characteristics of Doberman Pinschers
  • Are Dobermans Good Pets?
  • Are Dobermans Prone to Health Issues?
  • Do Dobermans Require Grooming?
  • How Smart Are Doberman Pinschers?
  • How Do You Feed a Doberman Pinscher?
  • Doberman Pinschers Care Routine
  • What to Watch For

Doberman Pinschers are a new canine breed known for their bravery, friendliness, and smartness. A German tax collector named Louis Doberman bred Dobermans in the late 1800s and used them for his protection. Dobies can be the best guard dogs with proper training.

Dobies are intelligent and have great stamina. They are an excellent addition to your family and friends circle. This dog breed is healthy but can be prone to several health conditions over time. 

The average lifespan of a Doberman Pinscher is 13 years.

General Characteristics of Doberman Pinschers

Dobermans are noble companions with a strong, muscular build. Doberman Pinscher size and weight are about 26 to 28 inches in height and 75 to 100 pounds for males and 24 to 26 inches and 60 to 90 pounds for females.

Their body shape is sleek, and their coats are blue, black, fawn, or red with significant rust marks. 

A well-trained Doberman is put on patrol to scare away any suspicious person. They are considered a royal canine breed due to their athletic and confident movement style.

Are Dobermans Good Pets?

Yes, Dobermans make excellent pets. They are friendly and protective. 

Some other information of Doberman Pinschers shows that they are:

  • Obedient and loyal
  • Energetic 
  • Playful
  • Affectionate
  • Excellent family dogs
  • Easily trainable
  • Great guard dogs
  • Strong and athletic

That said, a few Doberman Pinschers personality traits to look for include:

  • Aggressiveness due to lack of socialization
  • Need for frequent exercise and outdoor activities
  • High chances to get bored or experiencing separation anxiety
  • Overprotectiveness of family 
  • Slow maturity

Are Dobermans Prone to Health Issues?

Living with a dog requires you to be vigilant and responsible. These furry pets depend on their owners for food, shelter, and love. Dobermans are usually healthy, but they may have certain health issues as they age. 

Some Doberman Pinscher health conditions are:

Von Willebrand Disease

This is a common, congenital bleeding disorder in humans and dogs. A deficiency in Von Willebrand factor (vWF) causes this condition. vWF is a special protein that helps platelets stay together and form clots. Von Willebrand disease affects at least 30 different dog breeds. Doberman Pinschers have the highest chances of having vWD abnormalities. 

Cardiac Diseases

Dobermans have a high risk of having a health condition called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). This disease enlarges and weakens the dog’s heart, making it unable to pump blood to and from the heart. This can cause weakness, exhaustion, and coughing in your pet. They may also collapse frequently.

Dental Disease

Dental diseases affect the majority of dogs. These diseases begin with tartar development on the teeth that transforms into gum or root infections later in the dogs’ lives.

Neurological Disease

Wobbler disease or wobbler syndrome is a genetically-inherited neurological condition that leads to drunken gait in animals. It is caused when the vertebrae in the Doberman’s neck narrow down, pinching the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. 

The pinched nerves fail to send signals to the brain. When this happens, the pet may have unstable hind legs that make them stumble and collapse. 

Liver Conditions

Doberman Pinschers can develop specific liver disorders, such as copper hepatopathy. This condition leads to high levels of copper buildup in the dog’s liver, leading to the organ’s failure if left untreated. 

Dogs with copper hepatopathy may show prominent signs of jaundice, like yellow skin, eyes, and gums, from the ages of two to four. 

Eye Issues

Your dog needs proper eye functioning to carry out their daily activities usually. Dobermans can inherit or develop several eye conditions, which are painful and may lead to blindness if left untreated.

Kidney Diseases

Many Doberman Pinschers can inherit Glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease that gradually damages the dog’s kidneys. It may lead to their failure at an early stage. The damaged kidneys leak protein from the pet’s body, which your vet can use to diagnose easily.

Thyroid Problems

Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid problem in Dobermans that is caused when the pet’s body can’t produce enough thyroid hormone. The common symptoms of this condition include hair loss, weight gain, dry skin and coat, fearfulness, and aggression.

Skin Conditions

Your Doberman can also have several skin conditions, including Malassezia dermatitis, which is caused by yeast. It makes the dog’s ears itchy and red and may result in a brown waxy buildup that can be identified with a unique odor. This condition also causes greasiness and hairless areas on the neck and throat of the dog.

Another common Doberman skin condition is seborrhea. It causes dryness, flakiness, or oiliness on the dog’s skin. You’ll find your pet itching their skin more often. It’s better to consult your vet as soon as possible to reduce the chances of allergies.

Pemphigus foliaceus is also a common disease in Doberman Pinschers. It results in hair loss and crusts formation on the dog’s nose or inside their ears. Some Dobermans also have the signs of this skin condition on their toenails and footpads. These skin crusts can be worsened by exposure to sunlight.


Dobermans with narrow chests can have gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) or bloat. A bloating dog’s stomach gets filled with gas and twists on itself. This twisting restricts the blood supply to the spleen and stomach. 

Bloated dogs heave, act uncomfortable, lie down more often, and have an enlarged tummy. If left untreated, this condition can lead to death, sometimes in only 30 minutes.


Senior dogs can develop cancer that may lead to their death. A Doberman Pinscher usually lives longer than other dog breeds, so they have higher chances of having cancer. Some cancers can be treated with surgery, while others can be removed through chemotherapy.


Many dog breeds have diabetes mellitus, but Dobies can have more chances of this disease. Dogs with diabetes struggle to balance the sugar metabolism in their bodies and need daily insulin doses. The common symptoms of diabetes include excessive drinking, eating, urination, and visible weight loss. 

This is a severe Doberman Pinscher health condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated early.


Overeating can lead to serious health issues in your dogs, including joint problems, back pain, cardiac conditions, and digestive disorders.


Dobermans are vulnerable to many bacterial and viral infections, such as rabies, distemper, and parvo.


Several worms, bugs, fleas, ear mites, and ticks can cause infections in your Dobie’s body from the inside out. Hookworms, whipworms, heartworms, and roundworms from unclean water or contaminated soil can enter your dog’s system. These parasites can also transfer to humans or may lead to death in pets.

Spay or Neuter

Spaying or neutering refers to removing the ovaries and uterus of female Dobermans and testicles of males. This process minimizes the risks of specific cancer types and unwanted pregnancies. Spaying or neutering also helps doctors to identify any potential diseases in your dog during the surgery.

Do Dobermans Require Grooming?

You can ensure your Doberman Pinscher receives proper care through bathing sessions. It is good, though, to maintain their grooming routine to keep them in an optimal condition at all times. 

Using a brush with short and soft bristles on your Doberman will keep their coat shiny and lustrous. Don’t bathe them frequently. Remember to trim their nails once or twice a month and brush their teeth daily.

How Smart Are Doberman Pinschers?

Doberman Pinschers are intelligent and energetic dogs who need playing sessions and exercise to stay busy. You can take your pet on hikes and daily walks and let them run in a fenced park to maintain their optimal physical health. 

This dog breed learns easily and gives quick responses to training and exercises. You can engage them in several training sessions, like obedience, agility, and tracking exercises, to strengthen their mind and body.

Remember that Dobermans are not always friendly. They can be quite aggressive and unmanageable if you don’t focus on their behavioral training. Start with socialization and teach your puppy about how to behave in public.

It’s recommended to start your Doberman’s training from the early stage and keep them inside the home. The dog is raised to be a friendly, noble, and well-mannered companion.

How Do You Feed a Doberman Pinscher?

Dobermans need quality dog food throughout their lifespan to stay strong and protective. It’s essential to contact your vet or dog’s breeder to determine the appropriate nutritional diet for their age.

Giving so many treats to your dogs can lead to obesity, so try to reduce their use in the training sessions. You can also give your dog safe human foods if your vet suggests so. Provide your Dobie with lots of clean and fresh water all the time.

A vet or nutritionist can better guide you about your Doberman Pinscher diet, according to its weight.

Doberman Pinschers Care Routine

Build a Doberman Pinscher care routine to help your pet live longer, healthier, and happier. 

Try to:

  • Monitor your pet’s activities as you do with your child. Ensure to keep all the doors locked when you’re not around to keep them away from troubles.
  • Brush their coat weekly and their teeth twice a week.
  • Clean their ears carefully.
  • Keep them active with exercises, playing, and training sessions. 
  • Make your dog’s diet appropriate for their age.

What to Watch For

It’s recommended to observe your Doberman’s unusual activities and seek medical help as soon as possible. Keep your vet’s contact number at an accessible place to reach out to them anytime.

Show Sources

Image Credits:

1. Tara Gregg / EyeEm / Getty Images


Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: “Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM),”  “Canine von Willebrand Disease.”

Countryside Veterinary Clinic: “Doberman Pinscher.”

MSD Veterinary Manual: “Canine Vacuolar Hepatopathy,” “Dental Disorders of Dogs.”

The American Kennel Club: “Bloat (or GDV) in Dogs — What It Is and How it’s Treated,” “Doberman Pinscher,” “External Dog Parasites: Fleas, Ticks, Lice, Mites.” 

The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine: “Wobbler Syndrome.”

VCA Animal Hospitals: “Doberman Pinscher,” “Glomerulonephritis in Dogs,” “Von Willebrand’s Disease in Dogs.”

Washington State University: “Hypothyroidism in dogs.”

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