
Review: No More Scaredy Cat by Sara Goldenthal


If you have a cat that struggles with fear, hides under the bed and won’t come out, or startles easily, you may want to take a look at No More Scaredy Cat: The easy, step-by-step program that puts an end to stress, fear and anxiety for the cats you love.

Sara Goldenthal, a practitioner of both TTouch and Bach Flower Essences has more than a dozen years experience working with cats with all kinds of behavioral challenges in private homes, as well as in animal shelters and rescues. In this small volume, she introduces a deceptively simple method of working with timid and traumatized cats that gradually eliminates fear, stress and anxiety.

The method, using the Bach Flower Essence Rescue Remedy®, may be simple, but the results Sara has achieved with it are nothing short of miraculous. In her work with shelter cats, she managed to get cats that were previously considered unadoptable to become approachable, eventually enjoy being petted and even picked up and held. Her method even helped feral and semi-feral cats overcome their fear of people and enjoy a much higher quality of life.

I’ll be honest, I was skeptical when I first picked up the book. I’ve had a lot of success with flower essences, and while I use the Spirit Essences line in my work, I have also used Rescue Remedy®, and have had success with it as well. But the essences alone rarely work without concurrent behavioral modification – and I was happy to see that that’s ultimately what Goldenthal’s method is about.

Goldenthal understands cats, and she knows how to work with them. She stresses that cats are extremely sensitive to energy, and that one of the most important things for a practitioner who works with cats is to manage her own energy. Being calm around stressed cats is the key to a successful outcome.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is dealing with a fearful cat.

For more information about Sara Goldenthal, and to schedule a private consultation with her, please visit her website.

I received a copy of this book from the author. Receiving the complimentary copy did not influence my review.

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