
The September 2022 Horoscope for Your Fire Sign Cat


The September 2022 Horoscope for Your Fire Sign Cat

Here’s what you can expect for your Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius kitty this month.
By Maressa Brown August 18, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print Illustration of fire signs for cat horoscope, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries
Illustration of fire signs for cat horoscope, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries Credit: Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong

From boosting self-awareness to gathering intel on compatibility or pinpointing the highs and lows of a particular time frame, astrology is a fantastically helpful tool with a variety of applications. Though we tend to learn and utilize the language of the sky to better understand ourselves and society, it can certainly be used to understand more about your cat. Just as you can do for yourself or a loved one, you can look to your cat's birthdate or adoption day to determine their sun sign, which speaks to their core identity.

From there, you could get a better sense of why they're so competitive (they're a dynamic Aries), a big fan of being fawned over (perhaps they were born under spotlight-loving Leo), or up for exploring uncharted territory (perhaps they were born under adventurous Sagittarius).

Here's what you can expect for felines born under a fire sign—that's Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—this September, according to their horoscope.

RELATED: What Your Cat's Zodiac Sign Tells You About Them

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Around Sept. 10, the full moon lights up your feline's spirituality zone, which could lead to lazier, cuddlier behavior than usual—particularly for your super-active Aries. The more snuggles, the better in the days around this lunar event.

You could find that your Aries kitty's everyday habits take a bit of an eyebrow-raising turn from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2, thanks to messenger Mercury's retrograde in their daily routine zone. Perhaps they're suddenly acting like a kitten again, pouncing on you at 3 a.m. or refusing to eat anything other than that one flavor of gravy. It can help to know that this is just a passing phase.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your spotlight-loving kitty just enjoyed their birthday season, and now that the sun is moving through their material possessions sector until Sept. 22, they could grow quite attached to any toys or accessories they received as a birthday gift. Setting aside extra time to play together with that wand or puzzle is sure to delight your Leo feline even more than usual—they may even show off as if they're nudging you to capture it on video to post on social media.

Setting aside extra time to play together with that wand or puzzle is sure to delight your Leo feline even more than usual—they may even show off as if they're nudging you to capture it on video to post on social media. Once the sun moves through their communication zone from Sept. 22 to Oct. 23, their curiosity and desire to learn new tricks will soar. This can be an ideal time to buy them mentally stimulating, interactive toys that will progressively challenge them. Your already outgoing Leo kitty might also be more vocal now, as well.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your adventurous kitty might seem to want even more attention lately, thanks to the sun moving through their public image zone. They might also seem especially focused on proving to you that they've done a good job—whether that's by using their scratching post or treating their kid sibling with kindness instead of picking fights—and have earned plenty of rewards and recognition.

Around Sept. 10, the full moon activates their home zone, and they might seem like a different cat all of a sudden, requiring more pets and affection than usual. As the month progresses, the sun begins its journey through their friendship zone from Sept. 22 to Oct. 23, and they'll be happiest around a crowd (perhaps an excuse to throw a party!) they can entertain.

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