
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws? 7 Common Reasons


If pet parents know anything, it is this: Dogs do a lot of weird stuff. A prime example is head tilting. And why do dogs eat grass or poop, anyway? Another common perplexing canine behavior is a paw licking. “When a dog licks their paws constantly or concentrates on licking just the paw area, it may be a sign that something is wrong,” cautions veterinarian RuthAnn Lobos, DVM. Here are seven explanations that can help answer the question “Why do dogs lick their paws?” Once you’ve figured out the probable cause, the next step is to answer the question “How can I get my dog to stop licking his paws?” We have information that can help there as well.

Normal grooming

First things first. Why do dogs lick their paws? They may just be grooming themselves and their preferred paw—that’s right, researchers have figured out that dogs actually prefer their right or left paw—which is totally normal. Occasional paw licking—a few minutes a day—is far from unusual. While not as fastidious as cats, dogs do make some effort to keep themselves, particularly their paws, clean. It’s common for a dog to lick his paws briefly after coming in from a walk, especially if he might have gotten sand or a lot of dirt on them. If you’re wondering, Should I stop my dog from licking his paws? and the behavior fits that description, then no. If your dog seems to be constantly licking his paws, read on.

Why do dogs excessively chew or lick their paws?

An injury

If your dog is chewing his paws, it may be a sign that he’s been injured. Stepping on glass or a thorn, breaking a claw, being stung by a bee, or getting burned on hot asphalt are just a few things that may have happened to your pup to cause this behavior. “For example, on the West Coast are little plants called foxtails,” says veterinarian Gary Richter, DVM, owner of Holistic Veterinary Care and Rehabilitation Center. “The seeds can actually burrow into the skin in between a dog’s toes.”

A boo-boo is especially likely to be the culprit if the licking starts out of nowhere. Take a good look at each nail, in between your dog’s toes and pads, and the top of his feet. Depending on what’s wrong, you may be able to take care of it yourself with a good canine first aid kit. If you have any doubt, though, check in with your vet.


Fleas, ticks, and mange can irritate and itch like crazy anywhere on your dog’s body, including, of course, his feet. Especially during the summer months, parasites could be the cause of your dog licking his paws. Numerous treatment options are available for canine parasites, and your veterinarian can help you decide which is the best one for your dog’s particular situation. If it turns out that your pet has a flea infestation, these home remedies for fleas are worth checking out.

A food allergy

It may not be intuitive, but food allergies are known to cause itchy paws in dogs. While it’s unclear exactly why the paws specifically seem to be affected, this is among the first things vets look to in cases of a dog constantly licking his paws.

What foods cause dogs to lick their paws? The answer isn’t the same for every dog and every situation. “In these cases, you should talk with your veterinarian about which type of food might be best for your dog,” advises Dr. Lobos. “Some pet parents find that a complete and balanced diet that is made with fewer ingredients or a single source of animal protein can help.” Here are the foods vets buy for their own dogs.


As a pet parent, you’ve probably noticed that dogs can come up with inventive ways to communicate. So you may be wondering what they’re trying to warn you about when they lick their paws. Dogs that are continuously licking their paws may be experiencing pain—but not necessarily in the paw. Many dogs feeling pain anywhere in their body will lick a front paw as a means of coping with it.

It may take a while to figure this out, since dogs, like many animals, attempt to conceal their pain. Of all the potential answers to the question “Why do dogs lick their paws?” this possibility may be the most upsetting. If nothing else seems to make sense, contact your veterinarian to get to the bottom of your pup’s discomfort.


You may think that itchy paws would be the obvious reason behind a dog’s biting and licking. Indeed, if you notice that your dog won’t stop licking his paws during only one season or weather pattern, dermatitis may be the cause. Dermatitis in dogs can be triggered by an allergic reaction to something in their environment.

For a dog, biting paws may be a sign that substances like lawn chemicals, rock salt, or other de-icing products, or weeds and plants, are bothering him. “Dogs can be affected by pollens, grasses, and molds just like we are,” notes Dr. Lobos. The dog-chewing-paws remedy may be as simple as cleaning his feet after every walk with wipes made for that purpose. “Regular bathing with an appropriate dog shampoo can also be very, very helpful,” adds Dr. Richter.

Behavioral issues

As boredom or anxiety takes hold in a dog, excessive licking can follow. Don’t go by appearances here. Even high-energy dogs can be bored, and pups that seem calm can be anxious under certain circumstances. In fact, here are a few unexpected things can trigger dog anxiety. Consulting with a dog trainer or behaviorist on a treatment plan can solve the root cause of such licking. And the earlier you catch it, the easier it will be to correct.

A corn

If your dog happens to be a greyhound, this is a definite possibility. Greyhounds are virtually the only breed that gets corns, due to the unique way their feet are formed. They can be really uncomfortable for your dog, causing him to lick the affected paw. Special booties can alleviate them, as can avoiding walking your dog on pavement and other hard surfaces.

What to do for a dog chewing its paws

At the end of the day, knowing all the possible answers to the question “Why do dogs lick their paws?” is less important than figuring out how to get your dog to stop licking his paws. No matter what the reason for a dog continuously licking and nibbling at his paws, the moisture can cause a bacterial or yeast infection. In other words, the licking itself becomes its own problem. So come up with a plan with your vet to stop the behavior sooner rather than later.

“I recommend visiting your vet if your dog continues to lick, chew, or bite at the pad after trying to get them to stop or if your dog is guarding their paw,” says Dr. Lobos. If you have a light-colored dog, one sign of excessive licking is fur discoloration. “They get what’s called saliva staining on their fur,” says Dr. Richter. “The fur will actually turn a rusty color where they’re licking.”


  • RuthAnn Lobos, DVM, lead veterinarian with Merrick Pet Care
  • Gary Richter, DVM, owner of Holistic Veterinary Care and Rehabilitation Center

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