
Easter Safety Tips for Pets


As you get ready to celebrate Easter with family and friends, keep the following precautions in mind to ensure that your furry family members stay safe and healthy.

Keep your pets safe and happy during the Easter holiday celebrations.

1. Pass on poisonous plants. Some popular plants-including Easter lilies-are highly toxic to pets and can easily prove fatal if ingested.

2. Resist giving animals as Easter presents. Bunnies, chicks, ducks and other animals are adorable, but people often forget that these cute little animals grow up into adult animals who require a commitment to provide daily care for the rest of their lives.

3. Get rid of dangerous decorations. Easter basket decorations-including plastic grass-are dangerous to animals if ingested. The grass can become twisted within a pet’s intestines and can be fatal if not caught quickly enough. Candy wrappers, plastic eggs and small toy parts can also pose a danger to pets. Use tissue paper instead of plastic grass and do a thorough clean-up after Easter celebrations.

4. Give your pet some peace. Loud noises, erratic movements from children and crowds of people can be very stressful for animals. If your pet isn’t up for the chaos of an Easter egg hunt or family dinner, put her in a quiet area of the house when guests are visiting.

5. Keep your pet out of the Easter baskets and away from candy, including chocolate. Candy can be harmful to pets, and chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs.

Chocolate: Chocolate is toxic for pets, especially dogs. Even small amounts of chocolate can be extremely dangerous. The toxic component in chocolate, theobromine, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures and an abnormally elevated heart rate. Different types of chocolate contain varying levels of theobromine. Dark chocolate contains the highest amounts and is therefore the most toxic to dogs. Early symptoms of chocolate toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea and trembling.

Easter Lilies: Easter Lilies are deadly for cats, so make sure you keep them completely out of cats’ reach. Other potentially poisonous flowers may include tulips, calla lilies, daisies, crysanthemums and baby’s breath.

Easter Grass: Easter grass can be life-threatening for cats if ingested. The material can wrap itself around your cat’s intestines and cut off circulation, requiring immediate medical intervention. Look for safer alternatives to Easter grass, such as tissue paper.

Sugar Substitutes: Xylitol, a popular sugar substitute used in sugar-free candy and in anything from sugarless gum to toothpaste is highly toxic to pets. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar and can lead to seizures and liver failure.

All it takes is a little common sense, and your entire family can enjoy a safe and happy Easter celebration.

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