
Winning the FIP Fight – 33rd Annual Winn Feline Health Symposium


Feline Infectious Peritonitis is probably the most dreaded diagnosis for cats. It is caused by a coronavirus and affects the cells of the intestinal tract. The corona virus in itself is a common virus in cats, and cats may not even show symptoms other than perhaps a mild gastrointestinal upset. But for reasons that have eluded researchers so far, in some cats, the benign virus mutates into a highly infectious version that then causes FIP. It usually affects kittens and young cats, and has been considered fatal. Until now.

Finally, new research brings hope, and the findings will be announced at the at the 33rd Annual Winn Feline Symposium on June 23, 2011, in Reston, VA, just outside of Washington, DC.

World renown researchers Dr. Niels Pederson, director for the Center of Companion Animal Health at the University of California School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis and Dr. Al Legendre, professor at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville will highlight the event.

Dr. Susan Little, a feline practitioner in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and past president of the Winn Feline Foundation, is quoted on Steve Dale’s Petworld as saying “finally, momentum and results when it comes to FIP research. Getting these two legends of veterinary medicine together at the same time is very rare, and to actually allow time for Q & A. I don’t know a veterinarian, a cat breeder or a cat lover who wouldn’t benefit. FIP touches everyone.”

The symposium is open to veterinarians, breeders and cat lovers. Cost for the symposium, including dinner, is $45.

I will be attending and will be reporting back to you right here on The Conscious Cat.

The Winn Feline Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1968 that supports studies to improve cat health. Projects funded by Winn provide information that is used every day to treat cat diseases.

Photo credit: morguefile

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