
25 Wolf Puns That Are Howlingly Funny


Poor wolves. They tend to be the villains of every story, from the Big Bad Wolf who tried to eat Little Red Riding Hood to the one who chased after the Three Little Pigs and destroyed two of their homes. (Don’t feel too bad for those Little Piggies—we’ve also got pig puns.)

But wolves can be funny, just like all animals can. (Don’t believe us? Just check out these fish puns and duck jokes.) And wolf puns can be just as amusing as, say, bear puns. (Somehow storybook bears are lovable—even though, in the wild, they’re just as dangerous as wolves.)

These 25 wolf puns will help you feel better about wolves—even the Big Bad one.

Wolf puns

1. What did the Big Bad Wolf do after his workout?

He huffed and he puffed.

2. How do wolves eat their food?

They wolf it down!

3. What do you call a wolf with a fever?

A hot dog.

4. What do you call a cold wolf?

A chili dog.

5. Why did the wolf cross the road?

Because he was chasing the chicken!

RELATED: Chicken Puns

6. What is a wolf’s favorite leafy green?


7. What is a wolf’s favorite tree?

A lu-pine.

8. What do you call a wolf who works as a lumberjack?

A timber wolf.

9. A wolf goes shopping for Halloween. He finds a lamb costume on the clearance rack, but it just isn’t sheep enough for him.

10. Did you hear about the cow that cried wolf?

Fake Moos.

Anna Hoychuk/Shutterstock

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