
Is Pet Insurance Worth It? Absolutely!


I could have ended the headline for this post at the question mark, but since I’m not a fan of click bait headlines, and since I’m a firm believer that every cat guardian should at least look into getting pet insurance, I decided to give you my bottom line right from the start.

Could you afford an unexpected $1000 or $2000 for a medical emergency, or even more for a chronic serious illness?

If your answer to this question is no, you owe it to yourself and your cats to look into pet insurance.

Myths about pet insurance

There’s a lot of false information out there about pet insurance, much of it from people who may have looked into it several years ago, and never took another look. At this point, there truly is a plan for everyone out there, and even older cats or cats with pre-existing conditions can obtain some coverage. Another argument I often hear is that pet insurance won’t let you choose your own vet. Nothing could be further from the truth. I debunk five of the most common pet insurance myths here.

The following questions can help you choose a pet insurance provider

There are a lot of options in the pet insurance marketplace, and it will require quite a bit of homework on your part. Ask these questions when evaluating a provider:

  • Is the company licensed in your state?
  • Does the company have a good reputation?
  • How long have they been around?
  • Is the policy information easy to understand?
  • Does the company offer customer service during business hours?
  • Can you see any veterinarian you want?
  • How much have premiums increased over the last few years?
  • Will premiums increase as your pet gets older?
  • What is covered and what is excluded from coverage?
  • What is the company’s policy on pre-existing conditions?
  • Does the company cover benefits for wellness visits and preventive care?
  • Does the company cover holistic care?
  • Is there a waiting period before coverage becomes active?
  • Is there a maximum age for enrolling your cat?
  • Are there reimbursement limits per case, per year, per lifetime?
  • Is a physical exam required prior to enrollment?

Why I’m glad I have Embrace Pet Insurance for Allegra and Ruby

I got pet insurance for Allegra and Ruby two years ago. After looking at a number of different plans, I chose Embrace Pet Insurance. They’ve been around for twelve years. They have a solid reputation in the veterinary community. And most importantly, I personally know Laura Bennett, Embrace’s co-founder and former CEO. I have chatted with Laura at several conferences, and have been impressed with both her business knowledge and her energy (something that, while elusive, is critically important to me when it comes to making decisions about anything.)

I chose a plan that covers illness and accidents only with an $8,000 annual maximum, $500 deductible, and 70% reimbursement. I chose not to get a wellness plan. Allegra and Ruby are seven and six years old, and the premium to cover both girls is about $40 a month. I’d say that’s well worth the price of peace of mind, and it’s already paid off in a big way for us. When Allegra had to have several teeth removed due to resorptive disease, Embrace covered a big portion of the $1,800 bill. When Ruby had to have all her teeth extracted earlier this year due to the same disease, Embrace covered almost half of the $3,500 bill. (The reason they didn’t cover more was because gingivitis was a pre-existing condition for both girls.)

Choose a plan that works for you and your cats

If you decide to get pet insurance for your cats, do your research. Look at a lot of different plans, then choose the plan that is right for you and your cats.

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