
My Dog Hated Loud Noises Until He Tried a ThunderShirt


Dogs don’t like noise

I’m a dog owner in North Texas, in the middle of tornado alley. Spring means thunderstorms, complete with wind, hail, buckets of rain, and noisy thunder. Living in a rural area, we also hear gunshots from time to time, either during hunting season or to shoo away wildlife like coyotes that threaten our pets. And several times a year, we put up with fireworks celebrations for the New Year, July 4th, and graduations.

Each of these noisy occasions turns noise-sensitive pets into trembling bundles of nerves. And a pet’s panic attack can mean behavior changes that damage your home and sometimes injure your beloved pet.

As a certified animal behavior consultant, I routinely counsel my clients about how to relieve their pets’ fear, anxiety, and stress. There are several anxiety products for dogs, including CBD treatments for dogs. One of my favorite recommendations is ThunderShirt for dogs. I’ve suggested this anxiety jacket for my canine clients for years, both in behavior consults and in many of my nonfiction pet books. You can get the ThunderShirt for fearful cats too.

What is the ThunderShirt for dogs?

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