
RenAvast: A Solution for Chronic Renal Failure in Cats?


During a recent visit to my vet’s home to do a Reiki session for 17-year-old Fifi, who is in renal failure, my vet mentioned that she is giving Fifi a new supplement called RenAvast™, and that she was really pleased with the results. I wanted to find out more about this supplement. What I learned impressed me enough to introduce you to it.

Physiology of Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic renal failure in cats is a physiological condition in which the kidneys have lost some degree of functional capacity. The kidneys’ ability to filter and remove waste products from the blood, and to regulate electrolytes is compromised. By the time symptoms appear (such as weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst and urination, dry haircoat), two-thirds to three-quarters of the total functioning kidney tissue may already be lost.

Management of Chronic Renal Failure

Management of chronic renal failure involves managing symptoms by increasing hydration, decreasing the buildup of toxins in the blood, treating any possible underlying reversible disease (infection, hyperthyroidism), maintaining good blood flow to the kidneys, and minimizing any further damage. These therapies are designed to slow down the disease and maintain good quality of life, but there is no cure for renal failure.

Research Supporting RenAvast™

RenAvast may be a game changer. A 2-year study with 19 cats showed dramatic results:

  • 89.5% of the cats had creatinine values that improved or did not deteriorate
  • 84.2% of the cats in the study had BUN (blood urea nitrogen) values that improved or did not deteriorate
  • 94.4% of the cats in the study had phosphorus values that improved or did not deteriorate
  • 100% of the cats in the study had urine specific gravity values that improved or did not deteriorate
  • 94.7% of the cats in the study had hematocrit values that improved or did not deteriorate

Elevated creatinine, BUN and phosphorus levels are an indicators of renal disease. Low urine specific gravity and hematocrit values (a measure of the concentration of red blood cells) are also indicators of renal disease.

How does RenAvast™ work?

RenAvast is a combination of amino acids and peptides. According to BioHealth Solutions, the company that makes RenAvast, cats have seen improvement in their kidney function within weeks of starting the supplement. It is said to be 100% safe with no side effects, and can be used with other drugs and supplements. RenAvast can be mixed with a small amount of food to ensure that the cat eats the entire amount, or it can be mixed in a syringe with water and given directly by mouth.

RenAvast™ Testimonials

“I started 3 different cats (with different levels of kidney dysfunction) on RenAvast™ at the same time. In about 3 weeks (and within days of each other), each owner called me back and told me how great their cats were doing. That they were eating better and seemed happier and had more energy. We repeated bloodwork on each of the cats. One had a decrease in kidney blood values and the other 2 were holding steady. Needless to say, the owners and I are all thrilled with your product. Thanks.” – J. Levitsky, DVM

“RenAvast™ has been very useful in stabilizing my feline patients with renal disease. I have been recommending RenAvast™ for about 8 months now and 98% of my feline patients respond with increased appetite, increased weight gain, an improvement in the BUN and creatinine levels, and increased energy. It is the most helpful supplement I have found yet for feline kidney disease.” – A. Sagrera DVM, CVH

“If you area at a loss for what to give your cat, give RenAvast™ a try. I was told I would need to put my 13-year-old cat down in December. This is after giving her 100 cc’s of subcutaneous fluids daily, along with Epakitin and Azodyl. I ordered the RenAvast™ as a last resort. Within a few days of taking it, her appetite increased, and she didn’t seem so lethargic. I took her for bloodwork, and her creatinine went from 9.4 to 6.3. It has now been almost three months, and she is doing well.” – Rebecca Brown

For more information about RenAvast, please visit RenAvast can also be used for dogs.

Editor’s note: I am not affiliated with RenAvast or BioHealth Solutions. I shared information about this product because my own vet was pleased with the results she saw in her own cat, and in her clients’ cats, and because I thought it might benefit my readers.

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