
I’m a Member of the Cat Friendly Practice Advisory Council


I am honored to announce that I have been asked to serve as a member of the American Association of Feline Practitioners‘ Cat Friendly Practice Advisory Council.

The Cat Friendly Practice program provides an opportunity for veterinary practices to elevate care for cats and reduce the stress associated with the visit.

This initiative is near and dear to my heart. In my years in working in veterinary practices, I’ve seen far too many cats who didn’t get the care they deserved because veterinary staff didn’t have the resources, training and tools to truly understand that cats are not small dogs, and that they need to be treated differently.

Being a member of this council will give me an opportunity to provide guidance and contribute to the program’s content and resources. I’ll also get information of any new program resources or information.

I’m excited about this wonderful opportunity because it will increase my ability to impact feline health and well-being through educating both cat guardians and veterinary teams.

And of course, I will keep you updated on any and all information from either this advisory council or the AAFP in general that can help you make your cats’ lives happier and healthier.

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