
Earth Day Tips for Pet Owners


Earth Day has been around for almost 50 years. A great way to celebrate this special holiday is to learn more about its significance and how it came to be such a global phenomenon. Earth Day is an important annual reminder to preserve the planet we share with our pets. Most people are unaware of ways to be an environmentally-conscious pet owner. Read on to learn more about Earth Day, and discover some eco-friendly tips for you and your pet.

Facts about Earth Day

Earth Day was founded in 1970 in the U.S. by Senator Gaylord Nelson. He was one of the first prominent members of the conservation movement, which was founded to protect the country’s natural resources, habitats, and species. Before being elected to the Senate in 1963, Nelson served as the governor of Wisconsin for four years. During this time, he established Wisconsin’s Dept. of Resource Development and a Youth Conservation Corps to create eco-friendly jobs for unemployed young people, earning himself a nickname as “the conservation governor.”

Earth Day was originally a protest of the Industrial Revolution. On April 22, 1970, twenty million Americans gathered to demand action from private citizens and elected officials. The conservation movement organized protests, fundraisers, nature walks, rallies, speeches, and concerts in an effort to unite and have their voices heard.

Earth Day went global in 1990, after a group of environmentalists organized another grand-scale campaign to raise awareness about the state of the environment. More than 200 million people mobilized in 141 countries and Earth Day finally became recognized worldwide by 1990.

Pet owners can continue the legacy of Earth Day by taking steps to become a more eco-friendly household. After all, taking care of our planet is just as important as taking care of our pet best friends. Check out the following Earth Day tips for pet owners, and discover new ways to get involved in the preservation of our environment.

Earth Day Shopping Tips for Pet Owners

    1. Eco-friendly shampoos

Not only are eco-friendly shampoos better for the environment, but they’re also better for your dog or cat! Generally, eco-friendly shampoos contain less toxic and synthetic ingredients while the containers are also biodegradable and/or recyclable.

    1. Eco-friendly cleaning products

Accidents happen, but there are eco-friendly solutions. Tackle carpet stains in an environmentally-friendly way by soaking them in vinegar and sprinkling baking soda on top.

    1. Recyclable toys

Most of your pet’s favorite toys are already recyclable. So after they’ve outworn their fun, be sure to toss them in the recyclables to do your part on limiting waste!

    1. Recycle cans from wet cat food

Hungry pets can go through a lot of food cans in a lifetime. Thankfully, the cans from Avoderm Natural® are completely recyclable.

    1. Biodegradable waste bags and/or litter

Reduce toxic waste by investing in biodegradable waste bags and/or cat litter. Your pet will thank you for keeping the planet they love cleaner.

Eco-friendly tips for reducing waste

    1. Reduce your commute to playtime

Many people bike or carpool to work to reduce their carbon footprint. Next time you decide to take your pet to a playdate or the park, carpool with another pet owner or take public transit if available!

    1. Reuse plastic bags in your household

Finding biodegradable or eco-friendly bags can be difficult. Instead, try reusing the plastic bags that are not. Something simple like reusing the bag in a box of cereal, or from a loaf of bread can go a long way.

    1. Use towels to clean indoor messes

For all those indoor non-carpet accidents, be sure to use an old towel rather than paper towels or paper cleaners; it will greatly reduce your waste.

    1. Designate a reusable water bottle for your pup

It’s important to keep your pups hydrated when you are on the go, especially if they are of a more energetic breed. A great eco-friendly habit is to give them their own reusable water bottle to help reduce waste from plastic bottles.

Other Earth Day Tips for Pet Owners

    1. Spay or neuter pets to avoid unintentional litters and reduce shelter overpopulation

Overpopulation is a huge problem within animal shelters. Many pets are put into kill shelters. Be sure to spay or neuter your pet to avoid unintentional litters and crowded shelters.

    1. Adopt a dog

What better way to keep our planet healthy than adopting a puppy or adult dog who needs a loving home? Similar to our previous tip, adopting or rescuing a pup in need is a great way to reduce overpopulation and crowded shelters.

    1. Donate towels and bedding to animal shelters

Help out your local animal shelter by donating those old towels you’ve been hanging onto, or some bedding your pet no longer uses. Shelters are in constant need of these resources and you’ll be doing your part by helping other pets in need.

    1. Cut down on backyard scooping

An additional way to be environmentally friendly is to use fewer plastic bags while backyard scooping. A simple, yet overlooked Earth Day tip is to use only two bags: one as a glove to scoop and the other for waste.

Earth Day has been an annual holiday for almost 50 years, promoting the preservation of our planet and all of us living on it—including our much-loved pets. Between these Earth Day Tips and the many Avoderm Natural® recyclable canned foods, you and your pet will be living in a more eco-friendly household in no time.

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