
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? Only in Safe Amounts


Photo: Tim UR / Getty / Dorottya Mathe / Shutterstock

Nothing transports us to our favorite beach vacation spots quite like the taste of fresh pineapple—but can dogs eat pineapple?

The short answer is yes, but you’ll want to limit pineapple for dogs to make sure you don’t upset their stomachs. To sort through the best and safest ways to share pineapple with your pup, we consulted Tina Wismer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT, and Senior Director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.

The Basics: Can Dogs Have Pineapple?

Wismer notes that dogs can eat the same part of the pineapple humans like to eat: the juicy, tangy fruit. To keep your pup happy and healthy, be sure to feed him only the fruit and not the skin or top leaves.

Just like with other fruits, the spiny skin and thick leaves from the top of the pineapple are difficult for pets to digest and can cause intestinal blockage. Removing the leaves, skin, and solid core of a pineapple before feeding your pup the fruit will save him from vomiting and diarrhea, too.

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Is Pineapple Good for Dogs?

Pineapple is full of vitamins and minerals. Along with offering a ton of immune-boosting vitamin C, pineapple is a great source of vitamin B6, which helps both red blood cell and nervous system function. Minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron are found in pineapples, too—there’s no shortage of health benefits for your pup.

So dogs and pineapple can be a good combination, but the fruit shouldn’t be fed in excess to your furry family member because too much of a good thing can lead to some not-so-fun gastrointestinal issues. Plus, the high sugar content of pineapple means more calories as well.

How Much Pineapple Can You Give Your Dog?

To safely give pineapple to your pup, cut some of the fruit into small chunks, share one or two pieces with him, and keep an eye on him afterward to make sure it doesn’t cause any digestive issues.

Wismer advises limiting the amount of pineapple you feed your dog based on what’s best for his caloric intake. “Just like with other treats, do not exceed 10 percent of the dog’s daily calories,” she says.

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Pineapple has a fairly high sugar content, which could lead to some stomach irritation if eaten in excess. That’s when pineapple is bad for dogs, so it’s best to think of it as a special treat or reward for your pet rather than part of his daily diet.

All in all, pineapple is fine when dogs eat pineapple for a special reward or big occasion. Just like with other tasty treats, you’ll want to watch how much you give him and make sure he’s only eating the parts that are healthy for him.

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