
Lucky the Black Cat Went From Being Abandoned to One of the Most Handsome Felines on Instagram


Lucky the Black Cat Went From Being Abandoned to One of the Most Handsome Felines on Instagram

This fashionable kitty looks better than any human ever could in sunglasses. Sam Saunion and her dog, Cleo
Sam Saunion and her dog, Cleo By Samantha Saunion October 26, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print Lucky, the black cat, wearing sunglasses
Lucky, the black cat, wearing sunglasses Credit: Courtesy of luckykittylove / Instagram

Black cats are known to be majestic and mysterious—but having impeccable style is what really makes Lucky the black cat (who goes by @luckykittylove on Instagram) stand out from the pack. This green-eyed cutie had a rough start to life—but now you can catch him stunting hard on the 'gram and representing black cat cuteness all year round (not just on Halloween). Lucky has even perfected a signature look, featuring a pair of dark-tinted shades, which he proudly poses with in front of the camera. 

As fans of this furry feline, we just had to know … how do Lucky's parents get him to look SO 👏 DANG 👏 GOOD 👏 in his photos? We asked them for their tips and tricks for getting the absolute puurrrfect photo of your cat, and they shared their secrets with us over email.

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Editor's note: This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

DAILY PAWS: How did Lucky come into your life and why did you choose the name Lucky? Would you share his rescue story with us?

LUCKY'S HUMANS: Lucky was one of the three known cats of his litter. His mother gave birth to him and his two other siblings in summer of 2018. He was abandoned by the assumed original owner, and dropped off in a Florida cul-de-sac in a box in September. He was taken care of by a good Samaritan for a small length of time before Lucky decided to wander off from his feline family. He was lost for an unknown amount of time. 

One morning, [we heard] crying from outside and found the 7-week-old kitten dehydrated and starving. [We] walked out and saw young Lucky in his poor and helpless condition … and brought him in and fed him. When the good Samaritan [who took care of him previously] learned about what had happened, they were happy the kitten found a forever home. Lucky was given his name because it fit his story … he was abandoned, lost, and then loved by his forever family. 

DP: What's your favorite thing about having Lucky in your life, and do you have any advice for people looking to bring a cat into their family? 

LH: Our favorite thing about having Lucky in our life is that he helps brighten our day. He is always sitting or looking cute which constantly melts our hearts. He loves to be petted especially on his ears and neck. Lucky has lots of energy and lets you know he wants to play with sweet love nips.

Our advice when bringing a pet into a family is to adopt a pet and secondarily, get your pet acquainted with the environment of your home. Also talk in a nice tone so your pet learns to trust you. Praise goes a long way with animals! 

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DP: When did you start dressing up Lucky and realize that he looks STUNNING in glasses? How did he react the first time?

LH: We started with just bow ties and bandanas then we added his little glasses. Now he likes to dress up in cat shirts. Lucky likes to wear clothes as it keeps him calm and relaxed. He was fine with wearing the glasses right away and even forgot they were on his head. He loves the praise he receives from dressing up!

DP: Does Lucky have any favorite costumes or accessories he likes to wear? 

LH: He definitely likes to wear shirts that make him feel relaxed. We think shirts actually make him feel snuggled. Lucky is pretty much fine with wearing anything.

RELATED: 18 Wickedly Cute Cat Costumes Just in Time for Halloween

DP: Why did you start an Instagram account for Lucky, and do you have any tips for pet parents looking to make their pets a social media star?

LH: We started Lucky's Instagram account as an online photo journal of his life. We met lots of cat friends and enjoyed the support and friendship of the COI community! Our tip for pet parents [who want to start a social media account] is to highlight a key feature about your pet and stay active in sharing this feature. Most of all enjoy it, be real, and you'll attract your tribe! 

DP: Do you have any tips and tricks for cat parents on how to take the perfect Instagram photo of their cat? How do you get Lucky to pose for photos?

LH: Taking a purrfect photo takes time, patience, and lots of praise! Reward your cat with lots of praise and a treat every time. If your cat is not cooperating then give them a few minutes. Allow them time to explore new things and capture their cuteness while doing it!   

Lucky enjoys lots and praise and the treat he receives during his photo session! He's always eager to participate and loves exploring new things! 

DP: What does Lucky like to do when he's not hamming it up for Instagram?

LH: Lucky loves to play! He would rather play than eat or sleep! He has been known to snub his dinner for an opportunity to play with his littlest human! 

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