
13 Dogs Enjoying Their Puppuccino In the Best Summer Farewell Imaginable


13 Dogs Enjoying Their Puppuccino In the Best Summer Farewell Imaginable

Great, now we’re all craving one of these sweet treats.
By Allaire Nuss August 31, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print dog enjoying puppacino
dog enjoying puppacino Credit: Courtesy of debbie_the_doberman / Instagram

Coffee runs are a must for us humans in the morning, but for our furry friends who want in on the pick-me-up? Coffee (and any caffeine) is a big no-no for dogs. But there is one way to let your bestie in on the fun! Puppuccinos—an adorably named little cup of whipped cream inspired by our favorite global coffee chain, Starbucks—are a sweet treat dogs can enjoy alongside their humans at the drive-thru. Most coffee shops (Starbucks included!) actually offer these treats free of charge. Just make sure that dollop of cream is served in moderation, and check with your vet first if your pup has any health issues.

Beyond the taste of creamy vanilla, puppuccinos are a joy for us humans to watch our pups devour. Try to think of anything cuter than a furry face covered in sweet cream and you'll be stumped. But no worries if you aren't in the mood to wait in that drive-thru line right this second. These 13 adorable dogs captured on their summer farewell treat on Instagram for all of us to enjoy. 

Rescue Pup

The smiley face on that cup is an understatement. We can't see it from this angle, but we bet this rescue pup is wagging their tail like there's no tomorrow. TBH, if we had a tail we'd wag it every time we got Starbucks, too!


You know something tastes delicious when you lick your lips after. And by the looks of it, Toshka's cup was also licked clean. Give it a couple of seconds and she'll break out the puppy dog eyes for seconds. 


Now that is a look of pure, utter bliss. If you could get tipsy off whipped cream, Joaquin would be staggering. Good thing it's just sugar and cream, which is fine for puppers (in moderation, of course). The barista is cutting you off, Joaquin! Time to call for a ride home. 

RELATED: 14 Adorable Pups with Top-Dog Selfie Smiles

Shyloh and Friend

Everything tastes better when you share it with a friend, puppuccinos included. Of course they each get their own cup, so the sharing is minimal, but we'd like to think the sentiment is still there. It's the company that counts.

Louie Mambo

Uh-oh, Louie. Looks like you've got a little something on your schnozz. At least we don't have to worry about your nose getting too dry. And we'd be lying if we said those cream-stuffed chipmunk cheeks aren't freaking adorable. 


They might be named Nacho, but it looks like this shih tzu prefers sweet to savory. But who knows, maybe that dog treat garnish has a nice salty crunch. Kinda like salted caramel sweets, right? All we know is we're not gonna top our lattes with dog treats and find out for ourselves—we'll just have to trust Nacho here.


"Give me now!" This German shepherd is going cross-eyed crazy for her puppuccino. But honestly, this is the look on our face too when the barista calls our name. Gotta get that caffeine fix!


"Hello yes could I please have one puppuccino?" But let's be real: If our dogs could talk, they'd order a whole lot more than just a cup of whipped cream. We've got money on a smorgasbord of breakfast biscuits, egg bites, and cake pops. Extra bacon, please!

Boo Radley 

Cute name, but this pup is anything but a shut-in. He's out enjoying his sweet treat in a cafe for crying out loud! We're loving the extra finishing touch of the dog bowl platter. It really classes up the presentation for Boo Radley here. 

RELATED: Ben & Jerry's Introduces Ice Cream for Dogs: Doggie Desserts


Mia the Maltese is a real go-getter. No need to hand her a puppuccino, she'll take it herself. That said, she'll still need you to pay for it, of course. Also, how cute is that floral bow tie? Answer: the cutest. 


The best method for eating a puppuccino isn't licking off the top. No, it's much more effective to stick your whole muzzle in the cup and tilt back, obviously. Nalu had the right idea with this one—good thinking!


Debbie the Doberman pinscher is head over heels for that little cup of cream. Hopefully it doesn't distract her too much from that gorgeous seaside view. There's a whole world beyond the rim of that paper cup!


Little pup, big cup. Name a better combo, we'll wait. It looks like Olive got a little messy while enjoying her sweet treat, but we bet it was totally worth it. Stickiness is temporary, but the joy of a puppuccino? That's forever, baby.

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