
Although June 25 Is ‘Take Your Dog To Work Day,’ Shouldn’t It Be Every Day? Many Workers Say Yes!


Although June 25 Is ‘Take Your Dog To Work Day,’ Shouldn’t It Be Every Day? Many Workers Say Yes!

As many employees evaluate what’s important to their work-life balance, it shouldn’t be any surprise it includes having their dogs nearby. Tracey L. Kelley headshot
Tracey L. Kelley headshot By Tracey L. Kelley June 25, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print dog interacting at work place
dog interacting at work place Credit: Frank van Delft / Getty

For some of us, having our pets at work is as easy as having them curled under our computer chairs, sprawled across our desks, or video-bombing our virtual meetings. But as many WFH people now know, employers are eager to encourage face-to-face collaboration in our post-pandemic world. 

June 25 is designated as National Take Your Dog to Work Day, and in years past, a good time was had by all. However, because most WFH pet parents formed much stronger bonds with their furry loved ones over these many months, they now want the same four-legged support in the workplace that they enjoyed in the remote office. 

Workplace Survey Says!

In fact, according to a recent survey of 400 pet parents released by dog crate manufacturer Diggs, "75 percent of dog parents said they would consider leaving their current role if a similar opportunity arose that allowed them to spend more time with their dog, such as a dog-friendly office policy or work from home structure." The rationale was that being around their dog made for a more positive work experience.

Wow! But obviously, we totally get it.

Some respondents also said they'd pass on $2,500 bonuses if their employers instead allowed pets in the office more regularly, and they would even trade vacation days for the option of pooch workplace attendance. 

In 2019, Forbes published an extensive article about the benefits of pet-friendly workplaces and how business leaders could make logical adjustments. It cited a few studies that noted reduced work stress, better coworker cohesion, and greater employee engagement and retention as just a few of the collective benefits.

Without a doubt, therapy and emotional support animals make a difference in many diverse work environments, from the U.S. Capitol Police Department to Tufts Medical Center. The stories of how animals help those in need are abundant. But just imagine if more employees could benefit from not only having their own dogs at work while also bonding more with other dogs there. (Oh, right-and the people, too!)

Proper Socializing and Training Is Important

If you're able to persuade an employer to make each day a take your dog to work opportunity, what's next? A key factor is socialization-and we're not just talking about our awkward, post-pandemic selves. Training a dog to be around many other personalities on a daily basis and be comfortable in a non-home environment takes patience and time.

In addition to being courteous to coworkers who might be allergic to dogs or simply choose not to share space with them, it's important to consider factors such as:

  • How will you help him understand his new structure for eating, sleeping, exercising, and potty breaks?
  • Will he be open to the experience or might it be too much to handle?
  • What makes him bark, and how can you manage it?
  • Does he respond well to basic cues such as drop it, sit, stay, and lie down?

How awesome would it be to not have to wait for a day on the calendar to continue having your furry best friend with you at work? The commute will certainly be more enjoyable!

Home Alone Free Training Guide

So, what happens if you still have to go into the office but your pet can't? (Nooooo!) It's time for both of you to gradually adjust to a revised routine, and Daily Paws is ready to help! Our team of experts created a 14-day interactive guide that walks you and your four-pawed buddy step-by-step through the post-pandemic work return process. 

Dog-and cat!-lovers will learn many essential points in this free plan to make the transition easier. Which, if we're honest, will probably be much harder on us than our favorite furballs!

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