
Who Loves Piano Concerts More: Cats or Dogs? Watch These Heart-Melting Clips and Decide!


Who Loves Piano Concerts More: Cats or Dogs? Watch These Heart-Melting Clips and Decide!

When a clowder of cats and a Labradoodle have a front-row seat to their talented hoomans’ performances, it might just be a tie as to who loves music the most! Tracey L. Kelley headshot
Tracey L. Kelley headshot By Tracey L. Kelley June 03, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print cat sitting on bench in front of piano
cat sitting on bench in front of piano Credit: KathiTaltos / Getty

It should come as no surprise that animals—being such sensitive and adorable creatures—love music. A golden retriever singing along with windchimes? Precious! A hippo using his lips to play himself a birthday song? We can't handle it! A horse nodding in time with a violin player? Beautiful! A Chihuahua dueting with her grandpa? OMG!

The concept of musical appreciation among the four-legged set made us curious, so we're exploring a theory. Who might be a more devoted patron of piano recitals: cats or dogs? Fortunately, since we never tire of watching dog and cat videos for a living, we discovered two terrific examples to put to the test. And with your vote in the poll below, we might have a semi-sorta-pseudo-scientific form of results!

Our First Contestants: Brian Kramer and Archie

Actually, it's Denver Archibald "Archie" Atherton Kramer, if we're being precise, a sweet 2-year-old Labradoodle the Atherton-Kramer family adopted during the pandemic. Kramer started sharing noontime piano concerts on his Facebook page in early 2020 as a way to spread quarantine, remote-working joy. A vast playlist showcases his range of talent, spanning Barbra Streisand classics and Beatles number one hits to soulful standards and bouncy '80s tunes.

When Archie first joined the family, he pretty much let his dad take center stage during performances, presenting a quiet and reserved demeanor. You know, the kind of music aficionado who waits patiently in the wings to later offer a substantial donation.

Now a canine fashion model, he's more of a side player in the show!

RELATED: Does Your Dog Like Listening to Music?

Our Second Contestants: Sarper Duman and the Rescue Cats

Straight up with the mod pop band name, viral sensation Duman tickles the ivories with original compositions, movie scores, and classical pieces. He's also rescued and fostered injured or abandoned kitties for more than 10 years. Through his various social channels, he raises money to support their care.

During some performances, Duman has to create musical magic quite literally around seemingly unimpressed catty critics. Seriously—is falling asleep or taking a bath a two paws up or down rating?

Other times, fawning felines fans let Duman know how they really feel!

RELATED: Study Indicates Music Could Help Your Cat Relax at the Vet

Alright! Time for the judges' decision! Cast your vote below!

And hey, if music strikes a chord with your pet (yeah yeah, we're almost done), duet, stitch, or tag us with #DailyPawsPets for a chance to be featured on our Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok channels!

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