
What to Know About a Komondor


In this Article

  • Characteristics of a Komondor
  • Caring for Komondors
  • Health Problems to Watch for With Komondors
  • Special Considerations for Komondors
  • History of Komondors

A Komondor is a big, white dog with Hungarian roots. They are livestock guardians with distinctive long, corded coats. The plural for Komondor is “komondorok” in Hungarian, but this is not a term commonly used by English speakers.

Due to their long coats and hairy body, they are often referred to as “mop dogs”.

Komondors are protective and vigilant dogs. They are also friendly, social, and trainable dogs with high grooming needs. 

Characteristics of a Komondor

Komondors are large dogs with profuse white-colored cords adorning their bodies. Their size and build make them popular protective dogs. The average Komondor size for males is 27.5 or more inches in height and 25.5 inches for females. 

Male Komondors weigh around 100 pounds or more, and females weigh 80 pounds or more. The estimated Komondor lifespan is 10 to 12 years. 


Komondors have a powerful body, as they used to be the guardians of Hungarian flocks. Their large body is covered in long white cords. You can also identify them by their heavy bone structure, deep chest, and many muscles. 

Komondors are light-footed and agile in spite of their size. 

Their white cords make them stand out from other dog breeds. The good thing is that their coats shed significantly less, but they have high coat grooming needs. 

The white, cool dreadlocks of these dogs are not just for appearances. These cords protect Komondors from harsh weather conditions and predators with sharp teeth. Their cords also help them blend in with a herd of sheep to surprise predators when they attack.


Komondors are affectionate with their owners but might not be too friendly with children and other dogs. They are playful dogs with moderate adaptability levels. 

Your Komondor has a high energy level, so you should train them frequently with different exercises. 

They are super-vigilant and brave dogs who don’t shy away from attacking large dog breeds. 

Caring for Komondors

Komondors have high grooming needs, as they have long, corded coats. Their coat is expected to clump or plate up every 9 to 10 months, so you need to separate these clumps or plates. The clumps grow into cords. 

The cords of Komondors may get dirty or smell bad. Thus, you need to bathe your pet with dog shampoo to keep them clean. At the end of every bath, remove the shampoo properly and dry the cords by squeezing them with a towel. 

You can also leave your Komondor under the fan overnight. Drying their coat is essential, or else it may smell bad and become discolored.

Komondors also require a nail-trimming routine. It’s also recommended to brush your dog’s teeth daily to prevent any sort of dental issues. Make sure to use a soft toothbrush and dog toothpaste. 

Your Komondor can also get infested with fleas and heartworms, leading to several diseases. The Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends year-round prevention of ticks, heartworm, and fleas.


Your Komondor will need a core set of vaccinations to stay safe from diseases like rabies and DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus). They may also require non-core vaccines for diseases like leptospirosis, Lyme disease, kennel cough, etc.

Remember that the timing of these vaccinations differ based on your dog’s age, so book regular appointments with your vet.


Komondors are athletic dogs that require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. You can take them for walks in a securely fenced yard. They also like to play with other housemate dogs. Regular walks keep Komondors in shape.

It’s better not to take your Komondor to a public or dog park. That’s because these dogs are highly vigilant and may react badly to strange dogs. They also have high protective instincts that may encourage them to see another group of dogs as a threat.


Komondors need early socialization and proper training classes, such as obedience training, when they are young. They need to understand that you’re their owner, and they have to listen to you. 

In cases of inadequate training, the Komondor puppy can get overly protective and behave aggressively or become too needy.  


Komondors have a small appetite, so they don’t eat a lot. These dogs like all sorts of dog food, but make sure it’s high-quality and appropriate for your Komondor’s age. 

It’s better to avoid giving your Komondor cooked bones and meals rich in fats. 

Always consult your vet to plan a well-balanced diet for your dog based on age and daily nutritional needs.

Health Problems to Watch for With Komondors

Komondors are a strong and healthy dog breed with little to no health concerns, but like other dogs, they are susceptible to bloating (or gastric dilatation-volvulus), hip dysplasia, eye problems like entropion and cataracts, and infections from parasites and fungus.

Hip Dysplasia 

This is a common hip condition in dogs that refers to the displacement of the hip joint. When the joint displaces, both bones rub and grind against each other, causing severe pain. 

Hip dysplasia may worsen with time. If not treated in time, it may damage your dog’s entire hip joint. The common symptoms of hip dysplasia include: 

  • Low productivity
  • Difficulty moving
  • Stiffness
  • Extreme pain, especially when the dog sits
  • Reduced thigh muscle mass
  • Increased shoulder musculature


Entropion is a common eye condition in pets in which the dog’s eyelid turns inward. As a result, the eyelash and the area that covers the iris (cornea) rub against each other. Entropion can be inherited or developed as a dog ages.  

Early diagnosis of entropion can prevent severe eye issues. Your healthcare provider may suggest surgical repair after the diagnosis.

Your Komondor with entropion may show the following symptoms: 

  • Inverted eyelid 
  • Increased tear production 
  • Staining    
  • Frequent eye discharge 
  • Red eyes
  • Squinting of the eye

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)  

Komondors are at a high risk of developing bloating conditions, such as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV). In this condition, the dog’s stomach gets filled with air and then twists. As a result, the blood from the dog’s stomach doesn’t circulate. 

GDV is a life-threatening condition. If not treated within one or two hours, your Komondor may enter sudden shock. Their heart rate will increase, and their pulse will become weaker, leading to death.

Common symptoms of GDV include:

  • Enlarged abdomen
  • Retching (reverse movement of the stomach and esophagus that doesn’t end up in vomiting)
  • Salivation
  • Restlessness
  • Painful whining when the dog’s belly is pressed


Cataracts are a genetic eye condition in Komondors that can also be developed over time. In this condition, a cloudy film appears in the dog’s retina. The retina is the innermost tissue of the eye that sends electrical neural signals to the brain to create images. 

As the dog grows older, this cloudy film covers the whole eye lens, causing complete blindness. Some health conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, can cause cataracts in your Komondor.

Special Considerations for Komondors

Komondors have special grooming needs because they have long, corded coats that usually get tangled every 9 to 10 months. You need to bathe them regularly.

Use dog shampoo to clean their cords and always dry them off completely. Leaving them wet may attract fleas or parasites, resulting in various allergies and infections. 

Don’t forget to practice obedience training with your Komondor when they’re a puppy. 

Like other dog breeds, Komondors are also susceptible to different health issues. So, keep in contact with your vet to ensure your Komondor’s health and diagnose any underlying conditions. 

Never give your dog any human food without your vet’s instruction. Some pet owners have observed health concerns in their Komondors after consuming human foods. 

History of Komondors

Komondors have been the leader of Hungarian livestock flocks for many centuries. They have been used to protect sheep at pasture. Komondor characteristics and their muscular build make these dogs intimidating enough for the wolves and other predators.

The Komondor history takes us back to 1544 when Cumans (Komans) brought these dogs to Europe. During the same year, these dogs were mentioned in the Hungarian codex.

Today, Komondors are popular in Hungary and worldwide. It is believed that a considerable number of Komondors were killed during World War II. That’s mainly because of these dogs’ vigilant nature. Soldiers had to kill Komondors to capture or occupy a farm or a property guarded by these dogs. 

Komondors make excellent pets, but you should visit your vet regularly to ensure optimal health. 

Show Sources

Photo Credits:

1. slowmotiongli / Getty Images


American Kennel Club: “Bloat (or GDV) in Dogs — What It Is and How it’s Treated,” “Flea and Tick Protection for Puppies,” “Hip Dysplasia In Dogs: Prevention, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment,” “Komondor Dog Breed Information,” “Puppy Shots Schedule: A Complete Guide to Puppy Vaccinations.”

Europetnet: “Komondor.”

PetMD: “Entropion in Dogs (Eyelid Growing Inwards).”

VCA Animal Hospitals: “Cataracts In Dogs.”

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