
How the Assisi Loop Helps Tazz by Relieving the Pain of Multiple Inflammatory Conditions


This post is sponsored by Assisi Animal Health

Tazz. is a 3-year-old rescue cat. His human Colleen adopted him from the Heart of the Catskills Humane Society. Tazz shares his home in Hudson Valley, NY with Colleen, her boyfriend and another cat.

In April, Tazz began coughing after eating. “I took him to the vet where they did an X-ray and it came back with bronchitis, esophogitis, tracheitis, cholangitis and calcified sludge above his gallbladder,” Colleen told me. “It was clear he was in pain from all the inflammation because he would let out a scream when I picked him up and did not enjoy being pet as he did in the past. He was also significantly less active and playful.”

Tazz also had a history of food allergies. Colleen’s previous conventional vet recommended a prescription hypoallergenic diet and Ursodiol to break up the calcified sludge. “I could not bring myself to feed him the prescription diet,” said Colleen. “I knew the ingredients were far from high quality.” Since then Tazz has been on a homemade raw duck diet, approved by his new holistic vet.

Unfortunately, by June, Tazz’s pain had gotten worse. He began pulling the fur out of the base of his tail and had symptoms of feline hyperesthesia: “severe spine pain, spine twitching and a couple panic type episodes.” This led Colleen to finding another holistic veterinarian who offered modalities such as chiropractic, acupuncture, cold laser and more. Tazz gets ION Gut Health, a gallbladder, bile and liver glandular supplement to break up the sludge and promote gallbladder health, and a supplement called penta genesis. And the vet sent Colleen home with an Assisi Loop.

How the Assisi Loop helped Tazz

“Tazz took to the Loop right away,” said Colleen. “I wait for moments when he is taking a nap and place the loop on him. He just continues to sleep and doesn’t seem to mind at all!” Tazz gets two Loop treatments every day.

Within days of starting the Loop treatments, Tazz started playing again. “I could pick him up more frequently without him yelling out in pain!” About a month ago he started zooming through the house playing with the other cat. “As time progresses he continues to become more and more active.”

While Tazz is still pulling out fur on the base of his tail and will only tolerate a few pets down his spine, it is abundantly clear to Colleen that he is in less pain and feeling much better. “I have been so thrilled with the results from the Assisi Loop that I just ordered the Lounge to treat his whole body!”

How the Assisi Loop Works

The Assisi Loop, created by Assisi Animal Health, is a non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive device provides targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (tPEMF™). tPEMF, which was first studied in the 1970s and is FDA-cleared for use in humans. It uses low-level pulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to help relieve pain and swelling. This therapy can benefits cats with pain associated with arthritis, pancreatitis, wounds, or post-surgical swelling as well as many inflammatory conditions. The Loop is well tolerated by most cats. In fact, many cats really enjoy receiving Loop treatments. Because the Loop stimulates the body’s own healing process, rather than introducing a new substance (like a medication), even a sensitive cat body can handle it easily.

The Assisi Loop Lounge Therapy Pad

Featuring the same pain control of the Loop via targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (tPEMF™,) the Loop Lounge™ is the only therapeutic pet bed backed by scientific research. Click here to read more about the Assisi Loop Lounge.

For more information about how the Assisi Loop or the Assisi Loop Lounge could help your cat, visit or contact Assisi Animal Health at [email protected], 866-830-7342.

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