
Looking to Improve Your Mental Health? A New Research Survey Shows Getting a Pet Will Do Just That


We’re connected to our pets in so many ways—for instance, if you have a dog, a recent study revealed that you probably have similar personalities. Pets offer a loving presence in our lives, and if you’ve ever experienced a mood boost after spending time with your furry friend, you’re not alone. A recent American Psychiatric Association (APA) study revealed that having a pet positively impacts Americans’ mental health. And whether you consider yourself a dog or cat person, you’ll be happy to discover the benefits of both are the same.

How was this study conducted?

This study was conducted between Feb. 10 and 12, 2023, with the help of Morning Consult. About 2,200 adults were polled, and the study has a margin of error of plus or minus 2% points, which is a testament to just how reliable this information is.

The majority of those polled were pet owners. Fifty percent of survey respondents had dogs, 35% had cats and 3% had other pets such as turtles, fish and birds. Thirty-one percent of those polled did not own a pet. For the sake of this study, the APA focused on those who own pets. And as you may have guessed, the results were telling.

What were the results of the study?


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  • American Psychiatric Association: Americans Note Overwhelming Positive Mental Health Impact of Their Pets in New Poll; Dogs and Cats Equally Beneficial

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