
Why Is My Dog Not Eating?


You see that your normally voracious pup seems to be picking at his food bowl and immediately start wondering: Why is my dog not eating? There could be a million causes of a dog not eating, but the most common one is that your pet is sick, says Lori M. Teller, DVM, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, in College Station, Texas. Of course, the illness can literally be anything from a mild upset stomach to something grave, like cancer. Plus, there may be behavioral reasons behind your pet’s hunger strike. That means you have to play detective, so you can help your pup regain an appetite—and start gobbling up these vet-approved dog food brands.

Your dog’s got a mild stomachache

Your dog may stop eating because he feels queasy or ate something bad. If you’re wondering “why is my dog not eating,” one way to tell it’s not something more serious is if your pup bounces back to his normal self pretty quickly, says Megan E. McClosky, DVM, lecturer in internal medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Even if you suspect a mere bellyache as the reason for your dog not eating, call the vet anyway. “Dogs have pretty good appetites, so if they are picky eaters, especially when that’s accompanied by chronic signs, like occasional vomiting or occasional diarrhea and soft stools, there’s usually an underlying GI problem that requires more attention,” McClosky explains, adding, “That is more common than people realize.” Your vet can rule out the source of the upset, from food allergies to inflammatory bowel disease. Get to the bottom of another concerning canine habit: Why do dogs eat dirt?

Your dog has a more serious illness

Infectious diseases, like parvovirus, or conditions such as pancreatitis can be other reasons for your dog not eating, says Teller. Your pup may even have a life-threatening illness like gastric dilatation and volvulus, which causes the stomach to twist up so nothing passes—or even cancer. When your dog is really sick, she’ll probably also be lethargic, throw up a lot, have diarrhea or even bloody stools, or cough and sneeze. The time to worry is when your dog isn’t behaving normally, especially if she refuses treats or people food or if her appetite waxes and wanes, McClosky notes. Then you’ll want to alert the vet stat—especially if you see any of these 10 signs your dog is sick.

Your dog swallowed something

Eating something they shouldn’t have could be another reason your dog won’t eat. Dogs are voracious eaters, so they often scarf things down they shouldn’t—like toys, tennis balls, and even tampons. This is especially true if your dog is young and playful (so you’ll really want to avoid these common backyard dog dangers). One clue: If your pooch vomits or poops out pieces of, say, plastic, says McClosky. If he passes everything out, he’ll probably be OK. But if you’ve got a dog not eating and throwing up, he may have an obstruction in his intestines. Then the vet will have to do an ultrasound to see what got stuck—and probably operate to get it out.

Your dog is in pain

“Dogs do a great job of trying to mask pain but that could be another reason why a dog is not eating,” Teller explains. “Maybe it just hurts to have to get up and walk to the bowl, or to stand or even lean down to eat.” Certain breeds, like Dachshunds and Dobermans, are prone to neck problems, or your pup could have osteoarthritis or even cancer. If you’re wondering “why is my dog not eating,” you have to be alert to other signs to describe to the vet—for instance, your dog is limping, flinching when you pet her, or if your pup is hiding. “If it’s a new behavior that’s not typical for your dog, that may help the veterinarian pinpoint what’s going on,” says Melissa Bain, DVM, professor of clinical animal behavior at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Plus, learn what you can give a dog for pain.

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