
Watch These Heroic Labs Try Their Darnedest to Figure Out Their Pesky Water Fountain


Watch These Heroic Labs Try Their Darnedest to Figure Out Their Pesky Water Fountain

Why use your feet when your face can do it all? By Austin Cannon July 04, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print chocolate lab figuring out water fountain
chocolate lab figuring out water fountain Credit: Courtesy of colledamonick / TikTok

Everyone needs a good cause to root for, and in this case we're cheering on these chocolate Labrador retrievers who are having a devil of a time figuring out their water fountain. 

The first in a series of "you're doing amazing, sweetie" TikToks dropped June 11 from user colledamonick. It chronicles her Labs, Banjo and Moose, and the pesky water fountain—one of those that attaches to the end of a garden hose. Ideally, a dog should step on the activating paddle, allowing water to shoot into the air for a nice drink. 

Our heros, however, have devised a different strategy: Pressing the paddle with their noses and quickly trying to catch the water in the air with their mouths. Its success varies, though one of the brothers did get a hefty gulp as the other dog pressed down with his nose. Teamwork! 

It's silly but also kind of sweet to watch them work through it. As one commenter noted, "It's really cool to get to just observe a couple of doggos actively learning something brand new. They'll figure it out." So far, the video has earned more than 7 million views.


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Two days later, one of them was still hard at work, looking as though he'd perfected catching the water on its way down.


By June 14, it seemed like one of the Labs had managed to use his foot a few times to activate the fountain, though it looks like he still prefers using his face. Great progress nevertheless! He did it again last week, in a video aptly played over the Rocky theme song. (This came after his mom tried to teach him to use his paw.)


The lesson here? Hydration is important—no matter how you get it.

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