
Watch This Australian Cattle Dog Go Bonkers with Joy When He Finds Out He’s Visiting His Grandparents


Watch This Australian Cattle Dog Go Bonkers with Joy When He Finds Out He’s Visiting His Grandparents

No word on whether the journey took them over the river and through the woods.
By Chad Taylor April 29, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print dog in car hearing he is going to the grandparents
dog in car hearing he is going to the grandparents Credit: Courtesy of sky.q / TikTok

Many of us remember that feeling as a kid when we heard we were going to Grandma's house. As a series of absolutely adorable TikToks prove, Nosh the dog knows that feeling of elation very well.

Grandparents are the best. They have all the best treats, they're always happy to see you, and they love spoiling a grandbaby rotten, no matter how many legs they have. So it's perfectly understandable that Australian cattle dog Nosh would be absolutely stoked to find out he's going to see his grandhumans. In a video, posted by TikTok user Sky.Q on April 27, dog parents Skyler and Deko ride in the car as Nosh pays close attention in the back seat. The caption reads: "After 20 hours in the car, we finally told him where we're going!"


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"Um, do you wanna tell him?" Deko asks.

"Nosh, do you want to go see Savta and Bapa?" Skyler asks.

The answer, of course, is heck yes Nosh wants to go see Savta and Bapa. The pumped-up doggo expresses his excitement the only way he knows how: with very, very animated, high-pitched whines. Even though Nosh makes his opinions clear, Deko and Skyler feel like they need confirmation.

"Do you want to go hang out with Savta?" Deko asks with a laugh.

"And Bapa?" Skyler continues.

"YES I WANT THAT VERY MUCH PLEASE AND THANK YOU," comes the emphatic reply (we imagine).

Eventually, we get the payoff everyone wants. The car is parked and Nosh is released from the back seat. He gives an enthusiastic shake and then runs to the grandpawents, rolling over to give them both maximum exposed belly for rubbing. Happiness. Bliss. Love.

Thankfully, this video—which has been viewed 13 million times and received 2.5 million likes—is not our only chance to see Nosh in his favorite element. The very next video in Skyler's roster is Nosh's reaction after Savta (Hebrew for "grandmother") had the audacity to leave the house for an hour—but now she's back and everything is fine.


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Happy butt! So vocal!

Finally, Friday morning's video shows us the morning routine when staying with the grands: excitedly running down the stairs for an enthusiastic "GOOD MORNING. I LOVE YOU," in the only way he knows.


Good on ya, Nosh. That's an awesome family you've got there, and you have every reason to be loud and excited.

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