
Watch Golden Retriever Save Neighbor By Delivering a Special Drink in the Snow


Watch Golden Retriever Save Neighbor By Delivering a Special Drink in the Snow

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear lavender sweaters.
By Chad Taylor February 24, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print Large yellow dog in a pink sweater on a tile floor
Large yellow dog in a pink sweater on a tile floor Credit: Courtesy of Georgia_the_goodgirl / TikTok

Georgia is, as her TikTok handle implies, a Very Good Girl. Golden retrievers have a long and proud history of loving everything more than most of us love anything. While Georgia is no exception, what she really loves is helping others in the way that means most to them: home delivery.

In a video posted on Feb. 2, Georgia prepares to venture into a cold, snowy night to help a neighbor in need.

"Our neighbor needs a mixed drink," Georgia's mom explains at the video's start, "but she's missing some juice."


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Enter Georgia. Much like the U.S. Postal Service, neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night shall keep Georgia from her appointed rounds. Her mom slips a can of grapefruit seltzer into a pouch on Georgia's jacket, and off she goes.

The video cuts to the POV of the neighbor in need and we see Georgia, bounding through the snow like the world's most adorable snowmobile, sprinting to the doorstep, where the neighbor withdraws the lifesaving mixer. Ever vigilant, Georgia turns and stares back out into the darkness until the neighbor shouts out, "OK, call her" to Georgia's mom. The Very Good Girl then sprints back home to the adulation of all.

While Georgia is clearly just happy to be the neighborhood hero and isn't doing it in hopes of any material gain, several commenters on the video—which has garnered 2.3 million views—pointed out Georgia deserved to be tipped for her excellent delivery skills. Well fear not, because in a follow-up video posted two days later, Georgia returns to the neighbor with a COVID-19 test and is justly rewarded.

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