
Watch These Shelter Dogs Pick Out Presents From a Sleigh Full of Toys For an Extra Helping of Holiday Cheer


Watch These Shelter Dogs Pick Out Presents From a Sleigh Full of Toys For an Extra Helping of Holiday Cheer

Each Christmas, dogs at Best Friends Animal Society’s sanctuary get to pick a present from a sleigh full of new dog toys. It makes for some especially cute videos. By Austin Cannon December 27, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

We're definitely not ready to abandon our holiday cheer just yet, so let's bask in it for a few minutes more with some help from the dogs at the Best Friends Animal Society's sanctuary. 

Each year ahead of Christmas, Best Friends fills its "Santa Sleigh"—in reality a flatbed trailer but don't tell the pups—with hundreds of dog toys, beds, and blankets. Then on Christmas morning, the dogs at the Kanab, Utah, sanctuary get to hop inside and excitedly (or calmly in most cases) pick out their favorite present. 

The resulting videos are exactly the Christmas joy we love to see: 


That's just a sampling, too. You can watch the dogs pick out their toys in the full 16-minute video here. Almost all of the dogs, like the second and third dogs in the sleigh, were content to hang out among the toys and get some pets. Beauty, who you see above, was definitely the most excited upon landing in the sea of toys. 

Best Friends says that usually about three dozen dogs romp around in the sleigh each year before the remaining toys—which come in via donations—are distributed to the rest of the dogs at the sanctuary. (Don't fret, cat lovers, the sanctuary's kitties also get treats and toys on Christmas.) 

brown and white dog with a toy in mouth on pile of toys
brown and white dog with a toy in mouth on pile of toys Credit: Courtesy of Best Friends Animal Society

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"This tradition at Best Friends is so much fun. Seeing the dogs jump around and getting excited over their gifts is like seeing little kids on Christmas morning. And what we all get in return is a feeling of joy. Which is really what this time of year is all about," Judah Battista, chief sanctuary officer for Best Friends Animal Society, said in a statement.

In case you need convincing—or just want to watch another adorable dog video—here's a dog named Cutest Charm picking out a nice stuffed raccoon as her 2020 Christmas present. 


The dogs who live at the sanctuary have various needs, whether medical or behavioral, but some are ready for adoption or fostering, and that's where you can help. Then you'll have Santa Paws duties all to yourself next year.

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