
Watch This Golden Retriever TikTok Star Teach Her Puppy Brother How to Play Tug of War


Watch This Golden Retriever TikTok Star Teach Her Puppy Brother How to Play Tug of War

Humans take note—these two sweet golden retrievers can teach us about being good siblings! Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo
Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo By Emily Schroeder October 29, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

One of the greatest, longest connections in life is that special bond between siblings. Take these two best buds, for example: Gamja, 2, and her little brother, 6-month-old Chip, who both happen to be golden retrievers.

Their mom, gamjamypotato on TikTok, posted an adorable video Oct. 20 of "first born" Gamja teaching new puppy Chip how to play tug of war—or trying to teach him, at least. It began when Chip first arrived in his new home. "She tried every day. She tried to show him how fun it is," the caption says.

golden trying to get his little brother to play tiktok
golden trying to get his little brother to play tiktok Credit: Courtesy of gamjamypotato / TikTok

The collection of three video clips begins with the older sister waving a small toy in front of her lil' bro, who only offers halfhearted nips at empty air. The persevering golden tries again and again … until the final clip in which a more mature Chip grabs on and pulls. Finally!

The viral video has notched more than 609,000 views since it was posted. Thankfully, there's a lot more to this golden duo than just tug of war. They seem to be pretty much joined at the hip—trick-or-treating, celebrating birthdays, and even co-sleeping! (Gamja, however, might need to spend some time giving her brother a few pointers on tug of war form. 'Cause this ain't gonna work.)

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It probably wasn't like this from the start, though. Like humans, dogs have a wide range of personality traits and life experiences they bring to the table when joining a family. It's important to learn about the right ways to introduce and socialize your fur babies to ensure everyone plays nicely!

Judging by Gamja and Chip's well-documented life, we'd say that's exactly what they did. Hats off to you two snuggly sibs!

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