
Watch This Golden Retriever Treasure His Favorite Toy: A Portable Bose Speaker


Watch This Golden Retriever Treasure His Favorite Toy: A Portable Bose Speaker

Other toys? No thanks! Ben’s perfectly happy with his miniature Bose speaker. Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo
Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo By Emily Schroeder September 30, 2021 Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

We all know a little music is good for the soul, and, yes, that rule includes dogs. Meet Ben: a sweet golden retriever who prefers 1980s hits (nice!) playing on the portable speaker he carries wherever he goes. Is anyone else envisioning the dog version of John Cusack in Say Anything?

A TikTok video posted by benjralhie Aug. 7 shows the adorable golden enjoying his favorite toy. As George Thorogood & The Destroyers' "Bad to the Bone" plays, Ben is looking super content on a couch with his precious speaker tucked tightly against his chest. He totes it everywhere in his mouth, even curling up to sleep right next to it.

golden laying on couch with his Bose speaker next to his muzzle
golden laying on couch with his Bose speaker next to his muzzle Credit: Courtesy of benjralphie / TikTok

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The adorable video, which has been viewed more than 3 million times, shows Ben is starting to get "very dramatic." To be fair to Ben, he can't control the sad song playing from his beloved speaker as he lays on a couch outside, looking extremely forlorn. If it's just a play for a sympathetic offering of doggy ice cream … it's working.


Like all of us these days, Ben has a hard time living without his electronic device. So when it's time to charge the miniature Bose speaker, he'll get a tad excited, jumping up at his dad who's going to plug it in, probably trying to inform the silly human about how music can actually help doggos.


We aren't the only ones who appreciate a good tune. Research shows when dogs are stressed, music can help, even lowering heart rates and improving breathing. Some dogs respond best to classical melodies while others are soothed by audio books. For Ben, it might be '80s rock—or Bob Marley, whose "Three Little Birds" seems to please a very happy-looking Ben.


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It seems pretty obvious that Ben is happiest when his speaker is fully charged up and sitting right next to his face. In fact, you can keep that brand new floppy fish toy.

"Not even sure how Ben feels about his new fish toy," his owners write. "He just cares about his speaker."

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