
Fergus, the Irish Wolfhound Lost After Car Accident, Returns Home


Fergus, the Irish Wolfhound Lost After Car Accident, Returns Home

Scared and confused after a car crash, the 200-pound lovable furball was lost for days before being reunited with his adoring family.  Tracey L. Kelley headshot
Tracey L. Kelley headshot By Tracey L. Kelley February 05, 2021 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

On January 30, Mickey McKay, his wife, and their Irish wolfhound Fergus were stopped at an intersection in Nashville, Tenn., when another vehicle struck them from behind. 

"It was a minivan going at least 50 mph. They were hit so hard that their giant Expedition was pushed completely through the intersection," the McKays' daughter, Meredith Luckett, said on her Facebook post. "The impact blew out the back windows, and we now believe poor Fergus was thrown from the car. He was seen limping in the direction of Judson Baptist Church immediately after the accident."

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The family made a desperate plea to local news agencies, social media community pages, and pet search and rescue organizations. You wouldn't think a dog as big as a wolfhound—who, at more than three feet tall at the shoulder, could easily boop the nose of any upright human with his own—would be hard to spot. But Fergus was scared, injured, and on the run. 

Fortunately, the human McKays only suffered minor physical injuries. Nevertheless, they were heartbroken over the loss of Fergus, who had joined their family as a 2-month-old pup. 

"We lost sight of him and we've been searching for him since then," his owner McKay told News Channel 5 Nashville. "Fergus is a member of the family… getting home last night, it just felt so quiet without him." McKay said Fergus had never been outside their backyard, and they had no clue if he'd be able to find his way home. He begged viewers to check their open garages, storage sheds, and shrubs for a glimpse of Fergus' shaggy gray fur. 

close up of Fergus the Irish Wolfhound
close up of Fergus the Irish Wolfhound Credit: Courtesy of Meredith Luckett

RELATED: The Dos and Don'ts of Catching a Lost or Scared Dog

For the next few days, Luckett posted regular updates on her Facebook page. Surveillance cameras and other residents shared sightings of the mammoth pooch online, but the hours he was lost dragged on. "We've seen so many strangers out helping us look for our boy," Luckett said. "It seriously brings me to tears to know how many incredible humans dropped everything to come help us in the cold rain. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. We won't stop searching until we find him."

On February 3, Luckett confirmed that a homeowner had spotted the pup outside her house. When she called out to Fergus, he "walked right into her home."

Get the whole box of tissues ready! Here's the magical reunion! 

Yes, you can hear Fergus expressing his emotions at the sight of his owner, as well!

Luckett said that Fergus's preliminary vet checkup reported most of his injuries appeared to be superficial with a lot of cuts and bruises, but that he'd receive a more extensive exam as well. "In the meantime, he's at home resting comfortably and being treated like a king!" she posted. 

She once again thanked people in the Nashville community and beyond for their support in the search effort and their concern over the family's plight. "We've had so many thoughtful people ask if they could donate funds towards vet bills or send toys and treats for Ferg," Luckett posted. "We are so grateful and would LOVE for you to instead donate these items to your favorite local rescue in his honor."

Welcome back to the McKay castle, brave King Fergus!

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